For many years, the School of Law has operated under an Honor Code. The principal purpose of the Code is to instill and perpetuate a high standard of ethics and professional demeanor among students.

The Honor Code is designed to ensure that each student can be evaluated on his or her merits, free from the unfairness of competing with students who attempt to enhance their grades by cheating or plagiarism. The Honor Code prohibits, among other things, the giving and receiving of assistance on examinations or assignments except as authorized by the instructor; the appropriation of another’s words or ideas and representing them as one’s own; falsification of a student’s credentials, accomplishments or other material information on applications, financial aid forms or resumes; the hiding, defacing, or unauthorized use or removal of library resources; and engaging in conduct which casts serious doubt on the student’s honesty, integrity, or fitness to be an attorney.

Students who become aware of an apparent violation of the Honor Code have an affirmative duty to bring the matter to the attention of the Dean of Students, who will perform a preliminary inquiry. The Dean of Students will determine whether to bring an Honor Council complaint, counsel the student or take other appropriate action. Students and faculty members may alternatively take complaints directly before the Council.

The Student Handbook and Honor Code are available on the School of Law website. Students are bound by the Code, and are subject to severe sanctions for violations, including permanent dismissal from the School of Law. Students are urged to become familiar with the substantive and procedural provisions and may consult with the Dean of Students or the President of the Honor Council if they have questions about the Honor Code.

Upon a finding of guilt resulting in suspension or expulsion from the School of Law, the nature of the offense and the sanction imposed will be made a permanent part of the student’s academic record, and reported to any Bar to which the person may subsequently apply. Less severe sanctions, as well as private reprimands by the Dean of Students, may or may not be noted on the student’s academic record at the discretion of the Dean or Dean of Students respectively. These may be reported to the Bar, particularly if there has been a pattern of violations and/or inappropriate behavior.