
The Master of Professional Science (M.P.S.) in Atmospheric Sciences (ATM) program offers three tracks: Broadcast MeteorologyClimate and Society, and Weather Forecasting.

Broadcast Meteorology Track

The Broadcast Meteorology (BME) track provides a greater understanding of the broad environmental issues of the 21st Century and prepares students with the tools, training, and education necessary for careers in broadcast meteorology.

Climate and Society Track

The Climate and Society (CS) track emphasizes the relationship between weather, climate and societal impacts, and responses. This program provides advanced training for individuals seeking careers in government, insurance, energy, and a number of other climate-impacted industries. Students in this track are fluent in the fundamentals of business and management, science-society interactions, and the physical and social sciences.

Weather Forecasting Track 

The Weather Forecasting (WFC) track is designed for students who have an undergraduate degree in meteorology or a related science and seek graduate-level training and experience in applied weather forecasting.

Admission Requirements

General Prerequisites:
  • Bachelor of Science degree (B.S.) or Bachelor of Arts degree (B.A.)

Note: Deficiencies in required coursework may be considered on a case-by-case basis for otherwise highly qualified students or those demonstrating experience with the underlying knowledge and/or skills.

All application requirements are available here.

Broadcast Meteorology Track

Additional Prerequisites:
  • One year of calculus and a minimum of 12 credits in natural science strongly recommended

Climate and Society Track

Additional Prerequisites:
  • Open to all undergraduate majors. Previous coursework in science or policy strongly recommended.

Weather Forecasting Track 

Additional Prerequisites:
  • Undergraduate degree in meteorology or a closely related field (e.g., mathematics, physics, or geosciences), including coursework in calculus and differential equations.

Curriculum Requirements

Broadcast Meteorology Track

Core Courses
ATM 651Introduction to Atmospheric Dynamics3
or ATM 614 Introduction to Weather and Climate
ATM 632Broadcast Meteorology3
ATM 662Advanced Weather Forecasting3
RSM 620Climate and Society3
The remaining courses may be selected from the following list or other courses approved by the academic advisor. *
General Circulation of the Atmosphere
Writing and Reporting Across Platforms
Television News Reporting
Interactive Storytelling
Internship 1
ATM 805MPS Internship2-6
Additional Requirements
Research Ethics
Total Credit Hours30

Refer to the list of additional elective options.


Enrollment in 2 - 6 internship credits is required during a student's time in the M.P.S. degree program. Completion of fewer than 2 internship credits must be approved by the M.P.S. Program Director. Students may enroll in more than 6 internship credits with the approval of the M.P.S. Program Director. Typically, two semesters are needed to complete all aspects of the internship phase of M.P.S.

Additional Elective Options

Students may substitute elective coursework for one or more of the above courses with the consent of their academic advisor. Below are a few examples of courses that past students in this program took as electives.

ATM 611Geophysical Fluid Dynamics I3
ATM 633Atmospheric Boundary Layer3
ATM 663Mesoscale Meteorology and Severe Storms3
ATM 731Air-Sea Interaction3
ATM 732Climate Dynamics3
ATM 765General Circulation of the Atmosphere3
RSM 620Climate and Society3
JMM 633Social Media3

Climate and Society Track

Core Courses
ATM 651Introduction to Atmospheric Dynamics3
or ATM 614 Introduction to Weather and Climate
ATM 653Climate Change3
EVR 611The Science of Actionable Knowledge3
EVR 660
EVR 661
Introduction to Marine Geographic Information Systems
and Introduction to Marine Geographic Information Systems - Laboratory
RSM 620Climate and Society3
The remaining courses may be selected from the following list or other courses approved by the academic advisor. *
Intermediate Spatial Analysis
General Circulation of the Atmosphere
Additional Elective
Internship 1
ATM 805MPS Internship2-6
Additional Requirements
Research Ethics
Total Credit Hours30

Refer to the list of additional elective options.


Enrollment in 2 - 6 internship credits is required during a student's time in the M.P.S. degree program. Completion of fewer than 2 internship credits must be approved by the M.P.S. Program Director. Students may enroll in more than 6 internship credits with the approval of the M.P.S. Program Director. Typically, two semesters are needed to complete all aspects of the internship phase of M.P.S.

Additional Elective Options

Students may substitute elective coursework for one or more of the above courses with the consent of their academic advisor. Below are a few examples of courses that past students in this program took as electives.

ATM 765General Circulation of the Atmosphere3
EVR 603Interdisciplinary Environmental Research: Introduction to the Why and the How3
EVR 610Environmental Planning and the Environmental Impact Statement3
EVR 620Environmental Law and Policy3
EVR 624Statistics and Data Analysis for Environmental Science and Policy3
EVR 635Oceans of Thought: Exploring Marine and Environmental Literature3
MGS 776Paleoclimatology3
RSM 616Florida Topics in Environmental Law Policy3
ARC 639Adaptation to Climate Change3
ECS 6033
EPH 633Policy Management of the Health Effects of Climate3
EPH 640Urban Environment and Public Health3
EPH 646Climate and Health3
EPH 727Climate, Environment, and Health: Data Integration and Management3
GEG 648Climate Change and Public Health3

Weather Forecasting Track 

Core Courses
ATM 651Introduction to Atmospheric Dynamics3
ATM 662Advanced Weather Forecasting3
ATM 765General Circulation of the Atmosphere3
EVR 660
EVR 661
Introduction to Marine Geographic Information Systems
and Introduction to Marine Geographic Information Systems - Laboratory
The remaining courses may be selected from the following list or other courses approved by the academic advisor. *
Applied Data Analysis
Climate Change
Mesoscale Meteorology and Severe Storms
Climate and Society
Internship 1
ATM 805MPS Internship2-6
Additional Requirements
Research Ethics
Total Credit Hours30

Refer to the list of additional elective options.


Enrollment in 2 - 6 internship credits is required during a student's time in the M.P.S. degree program. Completion of fewer than 2 internship credits must be approved by the M.P.S. Program Director. Students may enroll in more than 6 internship credits with the approval of the M.P.S. Program Director. Typically, two semesters are needed to complete all aspects of the internship phase of M.P.S.

Additional Elective Options

Students may substitute elective coursework for one or more of the above courses with the consent of their academic advisor. Below are a few examples of courses that past students in this program took as electives.

ATM 611Geophysical Fluid Dynamics I3
ATM 632Broadcast Meteorology3
ATM 633Atmospheric Boundary Layer3
ATM 634Introduction to Atmospheric Chemistry3
ATM 637Natural Hazards: Atmosphere and Ocean3
ATM 652Introduction to Atmospheric Physics3
ATM 713Predictability3
ATM 731Air-Sea Interaction3
ATM 762Computer Models in Fluid Dynamics3
ATM 768ENSO Dynamics, Prediction, and Predictability3
EVR 611The Science of Actionable Knowledge3
EVR 633Decision Analysis: Natural Hazards and Catastrophes3
RSM 613Statistical Modeling of Extreme and Rare Events3

Suggested Plan of Study

Broadcast Meteorology Track

Plan of Study Grid
Year One
FallCredit Hours
ATM 651 or 614 Introduction to Atmospheric Dynamics
or Introduction to Weather and Climate
ATM 662 Advanced Weather Forecasting 3
JMM 615 Writing and Reporting Across Platforms * 3
JMM 619 Interactive Storytelling * 3
RSM 700 Research Ethics 0
 Credit Hours12
ATM 632 Broadcast Meteorology 3
ATM 765 General Circulation of the Atmosphere * 3
RSM 620 Climate and Society 3
JMM 617 Television News Reporting * 3
 Credit Hours12
ATM 805 MPS Internship 1 2-6
 Credit Hours6
 Total Credit Hours30

or other approved Elective


Enrollment in 2 - 6 internship credits is required during a student's time in the M.P.S. degree program. Completion of fewer than 2 internship credits must be approved by the M.P.S. Program Director. Students may enroll in more than 6 internship credits with the approval of the M.P.S. Program Director. Typically, two semesters are needed to complete all aspects of the internship phase of M.P.S.

Climate and Society Track

Plan of Study Grid
Year One
FallCredit Hours
ATM 651 or 614 Introduction to Atmospheric Dynamics
or Introduction to Weather and Climate
ATM 653 Climate Change 3
EVR 660
EVR 661
Introduction to Marine Geographic Information Systems
and Introduction to Marine Geographic Information Systems - Laboratory 1
Approved Elective 3
RSM 700 Research Ethics 0
 Credit Hours12
ATM 765 General Circulation of the Atmosphere * 3
EVR 611 The Science of Actionable Knowledge 3
EVR 662 Intermediate Spatial Analysis * 3
RSM 620 Climate and Society 3
 Credit Hours12
ATM 805 MPS Internship 2 2-6
 Credit Hours6
 Total Credit Hours30

or other approved Elective


Can be taken in Fall or Spring


Enrollment in 2 - 6 internship credits is required during a student's time in the M.P.S. degree program. Completion of fewer than 2 internship credits must be approved by the M.P.S. Program Director. Students may enroll in more than 6 internship credits with the approval of the M.P.S. Program Director. Typically, two semesters are needed to complete all aspects of the internship phase of M.P.S.

Weather Forecasting Track

Plan of Study Grid
Year One
FallCredit Hours
ATM 651 Introduction to Atmospheric Dynamics 3
ATM 662 Advanced Weather Forecasting 3
EVR 660
EVR 661
Introduction to Marine Geographic Information Systems
and Introduction to Marine Geographic Information Systems - Laboratory 1
Approved Elective 3
RSM 700 Research Ethics 0
 Credit Hours12
ATM 765 General Circulation of the Atmosphere 3
Approved Elective 3
Approved Elective 3
Approved Elective 3
 Credit Hours12
ATM 805 MPS Internship 2 2-6
 Credit Hours6
 Total Credit Hours30

Can be taken in Fall or Spring


Enrollment in 2 - 6 internship credits is required during a student's time in the M.P.S. degree program. Completion of fewer than 2 internship credits must be approved by the M.P.S. Program Director. Students may enroll in more than 6 internship credits with the approval of the M.P.S. Program Director. Typically, two semesters are needed to complete all aspects of the internship phase of M.P.S.


Broadcast Meteorology Track

The mission of the Broadcast Meteorology (BME) track is to provide students with a solid foundation in the study of meteorology, as well as training for on-camera and behind-the-scenes careers in broadcast meteorology. In addition, the track's mission is to provide experiential learning for the development and delivery of a professional weathercast, as well as the opportunity to develop the knowledge and training necessary to enter the broader field of science journalism. 

Climate and Society Track

The mission of the Climate and Society (CS) track is to draw on UM’s breadth and depth in interdisciplinary climatological and meteorological research, addressing climate risk management in the human health, fisheries, agriculture, water management, natural hazards, and coastal zone sectors. Faculty from the Rosenstiel School, Miller School of Medicine, and Geography contribute to the climate and society theme with their analysis of both climate trends and hazards, while faculty at the Schools of Law, Architecture, and the College of Engineering focus on the legal, material, and aesthetic aspects of the built environment that influence the mitigation of vulnerability and development of more resilient urban systems. Within this realm, students in the CS track understand important scientific and socioeconomic challenges, both in terms of urban planning and management of financial and other risks resulting from natural and anthropogenic climate change, rising sea levels, and extreme weather events. 

Weather Forecasting Track 

The mission of the Weather Forecasting (WFC) track is to provide students with graduate-level education in atmospheric dynamics, meteorology, and climate, and experience in applied weather forecasting. This education and experience will make the graduates of the program competitive for forecasting positions at the National Weather Service or other weather-related employment opportunities in agriculture, utilities, insurance, transportation, construction, and other weather-sensitive industries.

Student Learning Outcomes

Broadcast Meteorology Track

  • Students will learn to research, analyze, predict, and then graphically and verbally communicate local and national weather forecasts “on camera."
  • Students will demonstrate professionalism in all aspects of field and lab work during their internships.
  • Students will submit a written final report and deliver a final presentation based on the work completed in their internship.

Climate and Society Track

  • Students will be able to understand, assess, and develop responses to social, economic, and ecological impacts of climate change and resulting chronic stressors and acute shocks, such as from rising sea levels, increasing humid heat, and extreme weather events.
  • Students will demonstrate professionalism in all aspects of field and lab work during their internships.
  • Students will submit a written final report and deliver a final presentation based on the work completed in their internship.

Weather Forecasting Track 

  • Students will gain a graduate-level understanding of weather and climate and become familiar with research directions in these areas.
  • Students will be able to analyze and prepare weather forecasts using a variety of global and regional weather models and apply this information to a variety of end-users.
  • Students will demonstrate professionalism in all aspects of field and lab work during their internships.
  • Students will submit a written final report and deliver a final presentation based on the work completed in their internship.