
The primary objective of the Master of Science degree in mathematics is to prepare students for careers in teaching. This program also provides the necessary foundation for entry into careers in science, business, government, or other fields which make use of mathematics.


Curriculum Requirements

A minimum of 24 credit hours must be earned in Mathematcis Courses
Choose two of the following:12
Topology I
and Topology II
Introduction to Real Analysis I
and Introduction to Real Analysis II
Abstract Algebra I
and Abstract Algebra II
MTH Courses 700 level and higher 19-15
Additional Courses 19
Three written exams, at least two of which are on the basic sequences of the above list, must be passed.
Total Credit Hours30-36
  •  If a student takes 15 credits in MTH at the 700 level or higher 30 credits are required for the Masters.
  • If a student takes 12-14 credits in MTH at the 700 level or higher 33 credits are required for the Masters.
  • If a student takes 9-11 credits in MTH at the 700 level or higher 36 credits are required for the Masters.

Sample Plan of Study

Plan of Study Grid
Year One
FallCredit Hours
MTH 631 Topology I 3
MTH 633 Introduction to Real Analysis I 3
MTH 661 Abstract Algebra I 3
700 Level Topics Course 3
 Credit Hours12
MTH 632 Topology II 3
MTH 634 Introduction to Real Analysis II 3
MTH 662 Abstract Algebra II 3
700 Level Topics Course 3
Topic Sequence MS Exams  
 Credit Hours12
Year Two
700 Level Topics Courses 9-12
 Credit Hours9-12
 Total Credit Hours33-36

Admission Requirement

A minimum of 15 credit hours in mathematics courses numbered 200 and above is required. For more information about admission, please visit our website.


The primary objective of the Master of Science degree in mathematics is to prepare students for careers in teaching. This program also provides the necessary foundation for entry into careers in science, business, government, or other fields which make use of mathematics.

Student Learning Outcomes

  • Students will achieve a solid understanding of the material in at least one of the following six advanced mathematics content areas: partial differential equations, ordinary differential equations, probability and statistics, topology, real analysis, and abstract algebra.
  • Students will exhibit a broad synthesis of the theory and application of one of the subjects listed in outcome above.
  • Upon completion of the degree, students will be interviewed and asked to rate how successful the program was in enabling them to pursue their career goals. The department will document the students’ initial employment.