
The music therapy program provides students with the opportunity to develop comprehensive musicianship as well as clinical knowledge and skills within a rich musical, scholarly and communicative environment. Music therapy majors must demonstrate musical proficiency, either vocally or instrumentally, and must acquire musical competency on guitar, piano, voice and percussion.

Graduates of this program are prepared for careers as professional music therapists in a variety of health care and educational settings. Furthermore, graduates are eligible to take the Board Certification Exam in music therapy, leading to the credential, Music Therapist Board Certified (MT-BC). The music therapy curriculum is approved by the American Music Therapy Association, and is based on the clinical and research paradigm known as Neurologic Music Therapy.

To remain in the Music Therapy program, students must earn a minimum 2.5 GPA each semester. Additionally, music therapy core courses must be completed with a grade of C or higher. All internship applications must include a written letter of recommendation from a music therapy faculty member.

Educational Objectives

The music therapy program is designed to address three primary objectives:

  • Comprehensive musicianship:  through intensive music study and performance experiences, students will articulate knowledge of music structure and style, produce aesthetically pleasing musical performances, and modify music for specific contexts.
  • Knowledge of human behavior:  by studying both theory and scientific evidence, students will develop an in-depth understanding of the systems of the human body, the intricacies of human behavior, as well as developmental norms and deviations in each domain of functioning.
  • Knowledge of Music Therapy:  students will engage in rigorous exploration of the theories and scientific evidence that support the use of music in a therapeutic context. Following the neurologic music therapy approach, all techniques learned in this program are based on scientific evidence regarding music perception and behavior. Furthermore, students have ample opportunity to establish and refine their therapeutic skills through five semesters of clinical practica in addition to a six-month, full-time clinical internship. Internship applications must include a written letter of recommendation from music therapy faculty member.

The Music Therapy Equivalency Program

The equivalency program is designed for the individual who has already completed a bachelor’s degree in a related discipline, including the following courses:

Music Theory I, II, III and IV; Music History I and II; Conducting, Arranging, Applied Lessons (6 semesters), Performing Ensembles (6 semesters), Piano Competency (2 semesters of either lessons or group piano) and Introduction to Psychology.

Beyond these courses, the program consists of 50 credit hours that can be completed in two years, followed by a six-month clinical internship. All internship applications must include a written letter of recommendation from a music therapy faculty member. Please contact the Music Therapy Program Director for a listing of the 50 credit hours.

If any of the prerequisite courses have not yet been completed, they can be taken at the University of Miami. Taking these additional courses, however, may lengthen the amount of time required to complete the equivalency program. In certain situations, alternate courses from other universities can substitute for the required courses. Depending on the nature of the course, this decision will be made by the undergraduate dean, in consultation with the Music Therapy Program Director.

In order to determine exactly how many credits are required to complete the equivalency program, the student should obtain official transcripts for their previous degree and meet with the music therapy program director. Following completion of the course and internship, students are then eligible to sit for the music therapy board certification exam and can become professional members of the American Music Therapy Association (AMTA). For students wishing to pursue graduate studies in music therapy, the equivalency program can be combined with the master’s degree in music therapy.

Curriculum Requirements

General Education Requirements
Written Communication Skills:
WRS 105First-Year Writing I3
WRS 106First-Year Writing II3
or ENG 106 Writing About Literature and Culture
Quantitative Skills:
MTH 101Algebra for College Students3
Areas of Knowledge:
Arts & Humanities Cognate (9 credits) (fulfilled through the major)
People & Society Cognate (9 credits) (fulfilled through the minor)0
STEM Cognate (9 credits)9
Advanced Writing and Communication Skills (3 courses) see details below
Experiential Music Curriculum Core Courses MTY 1
MTY 10Music Therapy Forum8
MXX XX1 (Level 1)Principal Instrument Lesson & Studio Class (semesters 1-4, 2 credit hours)8
MXX XX3 (Level 3)Principal Instrument Lesson & Studio Class (semesters 5-6, 2 credit hours)4
MTC 140Experiential Musicianship I3
or MSJ 140 Experiential Musicianship I
or MDE 140 Experiential Musicianship I
MTC 141Experiential Musicianship II3
or MSJ 141 Experiential Musicianship II
or MDE 141 Experiential Musicianship II
MTC 240Experiential Musicianship III3
or MSJ 240 Experiential Musicianship III
or MDE 240 Experiential Musicianship III
MTC 241Experiential Musicianship IV3
or MSJ 241 Experiential Musicianship IV
or MDE 241 Experiential Musicianship IV
MTC 107Skills Lab I (co-requisite MTC 140/MSJ 140/MDE 140)1
or MSJ 107 Skills Lab I
or MDE 107 Skills Lab I
MTC 108Skills Lab II (co-requisite MTC 141/MSJ 141/MDE 141)1
or MSJ 108 Skills Lab II
or MDE 108 Skills Lab II
MTC 207Skills Lab III (co-requisite MTC 240 /MSJ 240/MDE 240)1
or MSJ 207 Skills Lab III
or MDE 207 Skills Lab III: American Song Traditions
MTC 208Skills Lab IV (co-requisite MTC 241/MSJ 241/MDE 241)1
or MSJ 208 Skills Lab IV
or MDE 208 Skills Lab IV: American Song Traditions
MKP 140Keyboard Studies I MSJ 103 if enrolled in MSJ theory1
or MSJ 103 Jazz Piano I
MKP 141Keyboard Studies II MSJ 104 if enrolled in MSJ theory1
or MSJ 104 Jazz Piano II
MCY 140Experiencing Music3
MCY 141European Musical Traditions (AWC)3
MSP 250Essential Technologies for Musicians3
MIN 310Music Business and Entrepreneurship for Musicians3
MIP/MSJ/MDE XXXEnsembles (semesters 1-6, 1-2 credit hours)6
Courses in the MTY Major 1
MTY 159Introduction to Music Therapy3
MTY 149Functional Techniques in Music Therapy I2
MTY 249Functional Techniques in Music Therapy II2
MTY 259Music Therapy Pre-Practicum2
MTY 359Music Therapy Practicum 1A2
MTY 360Music therapy Practicum 1B2
MTY 361Music Therapy Practicum 2A2
MTY 362Music Therapy Practicum 2B2
MTY 363Music Therapy Practicum 3A2
MED 242Percussion Techniques1
MED 244Vocal Techniques1
or MVP 250 Lyric Diction for Singers - English
MTY 545Music in Rehabilitation3
MTY 546Music in Psychotherapy3
MTY 562Psychology of Music3
MTY 576Music and Development3
MED 551Music Therapy Research Methods (AWC)3
MTY 559Internship in Music Therapy (requires recc. letter from MTY faculty)3
DAN 290Introduction to Dance-Movement Therapy3
MIP 181Instrumental Conducting I2
or MVP 181 Choral Conducting I
MTY 560Internship in Music Therapy II0
Psychology Minor
PSY 110Introduction to Psychology3
PSY 230Child and Adolescent Development3
PSY 240Psychopathology (minor)3
PSY 292Introduction to Biobehavioral Statistics Section B3
PSY 345Child Psychopathology3
or PSY 456 Genetic and Developmental Disorders
Additional Degree Requirements
BIL 109Human Biology3
PSY 220Introduction to Psychobiology3
UMX 100The University of Miami Experience0
Total Credit Hours139

EMC  and MED/MTY courses require a grade of “C” or higher.  Lessons require a grade of "B-" or higher.


Students enrolling in MTY 560 Music Therapy Internship II  are considered full-time. Health insurance is mandatory. International students must apply for CPT (Curricula Practical Training). This course confers full-time status for undergraduate students and fulfills a degree requirement for the Bachelor of Music Therapy degree program.

Advanced Writing and Communication Skills


All students are required to successfully complete 3 Advanced Writing and Communication Skills (AWC) courses. Student degree requirements will include courses that meet the desired communication outcomes in evaluated and revised writing, speaking, stage presence, and audience engagement.

All Music Therapy students will successfully complete:

  1. MCY 141 Musical Trends and Traditions, which will include substantial evaluated and revised writing components.
  2. MTY 363 Music Therapy Practicum 3A Senior Practicum, which will include evaluated communication skills in attracting an audience, engaging an audience during performance, and preparing program notes or similar media as appropriate to the medium/venue.
  3. MED 551 Music Therapy Research Methods, which will include discipline specific communication skills.


There will be at least 2 specific assessments in each Advanced Communications Skills course for communications or writing equivalent to 4000 words, evaluated and revised.

Suggested Plan of Study

Plan of Study Grid
Year One
FallCredit Hours
MTY 10 Music Therapy Forum 1
Principal Instrument Lesson/Voice Lesson & Studio Class 2
MCY 140 Experiencing Music 3
MTC 140, MSJ 140,
Experiential Musicianship I
or Experiential Musicianship I
or Experiential Musicianship I
MTC 107, MSJ 107,
Skills Lab I
or Skills Lab I
or Skills Lab I
MKP 140 or MSJ 103 Keyboard Studies I
or Jazz Piano I
MTY 159 Introduction to Music Therapy 3
WRS 105 First-Year Writing I 3
UMX 100 The University of Miami Experience 0
Ensemble 1
 Credit Hours18
MTY 10 Music Therapy Forum 1
Principal Instrument Lesson/Voice Lesson & Studio Class 2
MKP 141 or MSJ 104 Keyboard Studies II
or Jazz Piano II
MTC 141, MSJ 141,
Experiential Musicianship II
or Experiential Musicianship II
or Experiential Musicianship II
MTC 108, MSJ 108,
Skills Lab II
or Skills Lab II
or Skills Lab II
MTY 149 Functional Techniques in Music Therapy I 2
MTH 101 Algebra for College Students 3
WRS 106 or ENG 106 First-Year Writing II
or Writing About Literature and Culture
Ensemble 1
 Credit Hours17
Year Two
MTY 10 Music Therapy Forum 1
Principal Instrument Lesson/Voice Lesson & Studio Class 2
MTY 259 Music Therapy Pre-Practicum 2
MTC 240, MSJ 240,
Experiential Musicianship III
or Experiential Musicianship III
or Experiential Musicianship III
MTC 207, MSJ 207,
Skills Lab III
or Skills Lab III
or Skills Lab III: American Song Traditions
MED 244 or MVP 250 Vocal Techniques
or Lyric Diction for Singers - English
PSY 110 Introduction to Psychology 3
DAN 290 Introduction to Dance-Movement Therapy 3
Ensemble 1
 Credit Hours17
MTY 10 Music Therapy Forum 1
Principal Instrument Lesson/Voice Lesson & Studio Class 2
MCY 141 European Musical Traditions 3
MTC 241, MSJ 241,
Experiential Musicianship IV
or Experiential Musicianship IV
or Experiential Musicianship IV
MTC 208, MSJ 208,
Skills Lab IV
or Skills Lab IV
or Skills Lab IV: American Song Traditions
MTY 359 Music Therapy Practicum 1A 2
PSY 220 Introduction to Psychobiology 3
PSY 230 Child and Adolescent Development 3
Ensemble 1
 Credit Hours19
Year Three
MTY 10 Music Therapy Forum 1
Principal Instrument Lesson/Voice Lesson & Studio Class 2
MIP 181 or MVP 181 Instrumental Conducting I
or Choral Conducting I
MED 242 Percussion Techniques 1
MTY 249 Functional Techniques in Music Therapy II 2
MTY 360 Music therapy Practicum 1B 2
MTY 576 Music and Development 3
Ensemble 1
PSY 292 Introduction to Biobehavioral Statistics Section B 3
 Credit Hours17
MTY 10 Music Therapy Forum 1
Principal Instrument Lesson/Voice Lesson & Studio Class 2
MTY 361 Music Therapy Practicum 2A 2
MTY 545 Music in Rehabilitation 3
PSY 240 Psychopathology 3
BIL 109 Human Biology 3
STEM Cognate 3
Ensemble 1
 Credit Hours18
Year Four
MTY 10 Music Therapy Forum 1
MTY 362 Music Therapy Practicum 2B 2
MED 551 Music Therapy Research Methods 3
MSP 250 Essential Technologies for Musicians 3
STEM Cognate 3
STEM Cognate 3
 Credit Hours15
MTY 10 Music Therapy Forum 1
MTY 363 Music Therapy Practicum 3A 2
MTY 546 Music in Psychotherapy 3
MTY 559 Internship in Music Therapy 3
MTY 562 Psychology of Music 3
MIN 310 Music Business and Entrepreneurship for Musicians 3
PSY 345 or 456 Child Psychopathology
or Genetic and Developmental Disorders
 Credit Hours18
Year Five
MTY 560 Internship in Music Therapy II 0
 Credit Hours0
 Total Credit Hours139

Students enrolling in MTY 560 Music Therapy Internship II are considered full-time. Health insurance is mandatory but can be waived depending on visa status. International students must apply for CPT (Curricula Practical Training). This course confers full-time status for undergraduate students and fulfills a degree requirement for the Bachelor of Music Therapy degree program.



The mission of the Bachelor of Music degree program in Music Therapy at the Frost School of Music is to prepare students to develop: a) advanced and functional musicianship, b) music therapy clinical knowledge, and c) music therapy clinical skill. The preparation of students’ academic, professional, and interpersonal therapeutic abilities will satisfy the required standards of practice of an entry level practitioner as required by the American Music Therapy Association. The Frost program seeks to recruit and retain highly qualified students to study and gain entry-level clinical skill for music therapy practice and employment and to prepare them for graduate study.


The music therapy program is designed to address three primary objectives:

  • Comprehensive musicianship:  through intensive music study and performance experiences, students will articulate knowledge of music structure and style, produce aesthetically pleasing musical performances, and modify music for specific contexts.
  • Knowledge of human behavior:  by studying both theory and scientific evidence, students will develop an in-depth understanding of the systems of the human body, the intricacies of human behavior, as well as developmental norms and deviations in each domain of functioning.
  • Knowledge of Music Therapy:  students will engage in rigorous exploration of the theories and scientific evidence that support the use of music in a therapeutic context. Following the neurologic music therapy approach, all techniques learned in this program are based on scientific evidence regarding music perception and behavior. Furthermore, students have ample opportunity to establish and refine their therapeutic skills through five semesters of clinical practica in addition to a six-month, full-time clinical internship. Internship applications must include a written letter of recommendation from music therapy faculty member.

Student Learning Outcomes

  • Students will demonstrate functional music skills for clinical practice.
  • Students will demonstrate effective treatment planning to include assessment of various diagnoses, setting of goals and objectives, designing therapeutic music experiences, accurate data collection of behavior, and ability to articulate client progress through both verbal and written means.
  • Students will demonstrate effective clinical practice skills including the ability to facilitate client response through appropriate music interventions.