Dept. Code: MSJ

The instrumental curriculum in Studio Music and Jazz is designed for interested and qualified students who desire to continue to develop to the highest degree their background and skills in the performance of studio music and jazz. Admission to this major pre-supposes musical training in jazz on the principal instrument.

Advanced Writing and Communication Skills


All students are required to successfully complete 3 Advanced Writing and Communication Skills (AWC) courses. Student degree requirements will include courses that meet the desired communication outcomes in evaluated and revised writing, speaking, stage presence, and audience engagement.

All Studio Jazz Instrumental students will successfully complete:

1. MCY 141 Musical Trends and Traditions, which will include substantial evaluated and revised writing components.

2. MSJ XXX Private Lesson Level 3 Senior Recital, which will include evaluated communication skills in attracting an audience, engaging an audience during performance, and preparing program notes or similar media as appropriate to the medium/venue.

3. MSJ 213 Analysis & Evolution of Jazz Styles II, which will include discipline specific communication skills.


There will be at least 2 specific assessments in each Advanced Communications Skills course for communications or writing equivalent to 4000 words, evaluated and revised.

Curriculum Requirements

General Education Requirements
Written Communication Skills:
WRS 105First-Year Writing I3
WRS 106First-Year Writing II3
or ENG 106 Writing About Literature and Culture
Quantitative Skills:
MTH 101Algebra for College Students3
Areas of Knowledge:
Arts & Humanities Cognate (9 credits) (fulfilled through the major)
People & Society Cognate9
STEM Cognate9
Additional Requirements
UMX 100The University of Miami Experience0
Advanced Writing and Communication Skills (3 courses) AWC. See details below
Experiential Music Curriculum Core Courses MSJI 1
MSJ 3Jazz Forum (8 semesters)1
MSJ XX1 (Level 1)Principal Instrument Lesson & Studio Class (semesters 1-4, 2 credit hours)8
MSJ XX3 (Level 3)Principal Instrument Lesson & Studio Class (semesters 5-6, 2 credit hours)4
MSJ 140
MSJ 107
Experiential Musicianship I
and Skills Lab I
MSJ 141
MSJ 108
Experiential Musicianship II
and Skills Lab II
MSJ 240
MSJ 207
Experiential Musicianship III
and Skills Lab III
MSJ 241
MSJ 208
Experiential Musicianship IV
and Skills Lab IV
MSJ 103Jazz Piano I1
MSJ 104Jazz Piano II1
MCY 140Experiencing Music3
MCY 141 (AWC)3
MSJ 342Technology Skills3
MMI 3103
MSJ XXX Large Ensembles (semesters 1-6, 1 credit hour)6
Total credit for EMC Core courses = 48
Courses in the MSJI Major
MSJ XXXLarge Ensembles (semesters 7-8, 1 credit hour)2
MSJ XXX Jazz Workshop Ensembles (semesters 1-4, 1 credit hour)4
MSJ XXXSmall Ensembles (semesters 5-8, 1 credit hour)4
MSJ XX3 (Level 3)Principal Instrument Lesson & Studio Class (semesters 7-8, 2 credit hours)4
Senior recital with lesson
MSJ 113Jazz History I3
MSJ 124Introduction to Jazz Improvisation3
MSJ 203Jazz Piano III1
MSJ 204Jazz Piano IV1
MSJ 213Jazz History II (AWC)3
MSJ 242Jazz Percussion Techniques1
or MSJ 320 Basic Drumset Styles and Techniques (Part 2)
MSJ 371Jazz Improvisation I3
or MSJ 220 Basic Drumset Styles and Techniques (Part 1)
MSJ 509Jazz Composition I3
MSJ 519Introduction to Composition and Arranging3
MSJ 520Advanced Modern Arranging II3
MSJ 565Advanced Improvisation I (choose section for drumset students.)3
MSJ 566Advanced Improvisation II (choose section for drumset students.)3
MSJ 381Jazz Pedagogy and Conducting2
Total credits for courses in the major = 46
Total Credit Hours122

EMC core courses require a grade of “C” or higher.  Lessons require a grade of "B-" or higher.

Suggested Plan of Study - Studio Music and Instrumental 

Plan of Study Grid
Year One
FallCredit Hours
MSJ 3 Jazz Forum 1
MSJ Principal Instrument Lesson & Studio Class (Level 1) 2
MSJ 140
MSJ 107
Experiential Musicianship I
and Skills Lab I
MCY 140 Experiencing Music 3
MSJ 103 Jazz Piano I 1
MSJ 124 Introduction to Jazz Improvisation 3
WRS 105 First-Year Writing I 3
UMX 100 The University of Miami Experience 0
MSJ Jazz Workshop Ensemble 1
MSJ Large Ensemble 1
 Credit Hours18
MSJ 3 Jazz Forum 1
MSJ Principal Instrument Lesson & Studio Class (Level 1) 2
MSJ 141
MSJ 108
Experiential Musicianship II
and Skills Lab II
MCY 141 AWC 3
MSJ 104 Jazz Piano II 1
MTH 101 Algebra for College Students 3
WRS 106 or ENG 106 First-Year Writing II
or Writing About Literature and Culture
MSJ Jazz Workshop Ensemble 1
MSJ Large Ensemble 1
 Credit Hours18
Year Two
MSJ 3 Jazz Forum 1
MSJ Principal Instrument Lesson & Studio Class (Level 1) 2
MSJ 113 Jazz History I 3
MSJ 203 Jazz Piano III 1
MSJ 240
MSJ 207
Experiential Musicianship III
and Skills Lab III
MSJ 371 Jazz Improvisation I 3
MSJ Jazz Workshop Ensemble 1
MSJ Large Ensemble 1
 Credit Hours15
MSJ 3 Jazz Forum 1
MSJ Principal Instrument Lesson & Studio Class (Level 1) 2
MSJ 204 Jazz Piano IV 1
MSJ 241
MSJ 208
Experiential Musicianship IV
and Skills Lab IV
MSJ 213 Jazz History II (AWC) 3
People & Society Cognate 3
MSJ Jazz Workshop Ensemble 1
MSJ Large Ensemble 1
 Credit Hours15
Year Three
MSJ 3 Jazz Forum 1
MSJ Principal Instrument & Studio Class (Level 3) 2
MSJ 342 Technology Skills 3
MSJ 381 Jazz Pedagogy and Conducting 2
MSJ 519 Introduction to Composition and Arranging 3
People & Society Cognate 3
MSJ Small Ensemble 1
MSJ Large Ensemble 1
 Credit Hours15
MSJ 3 Jazz Forum 1
MSJ Principal Instrument Lesson & Studio Class (Level 3) 2
MSJ 520 Advanced Modern Arranging II 3
MSJ 565 Advanced Improvisation I 3
STEM Cognate 3
MSJ Small Ensemble 1
MSJ Large Ensemble 1
 Credit Hours13
Year Four
MSJ 3 Jazz Forum 1
MSJ Principal Instrument Lesson & Studio Class (Level 3) 2
MSJ 242 or 320 Jazz Percussion Techniques
or Basic Drumset Styles and Techniques (Part 2)
MSJ 509 Jazz Composition I 3
MSJ 566 Advanced Improvisation II 3
STEM Cognate 3
MSJ Small Ensemble 1
MSJ Large Ensemble 1
 Credit Hours14
MSJ 3 Jazz Forum 1
MSJ Principal Instrument Lesson & Studio Class (Level 3) 2
Senior Recital (with lesson) AWC  
MMI 310 3
STEM Cognate 3
People and Society Cognate 3
MSJ Small Ensemble 1
MSJ Large Ensemble 1
 Credit Hours13
 Total Credit Hours121

Suggested Plan of Study - Drumset (Jazz Percussion)

Plan of Study Grid
Year One
FallCredit Hours
MSJ 3 Jazz Forum 1
MSJ Principal Instrument Lesson & Studio Class 2
MSJ 140
MSJ 107
Experiential Musicianship I
and Skills Lab I
MCY 140 Experiencing Music 3
MSJ 103 Jazz Piano I 1
MSJ 220 Basic Drumset Styles and Techniques (Part 1) 3
WRS 105 First-Year Writing I 3
UMX 100 The University of Miami Experience 0
MSJ Jazz Workshop Ensemble 1
MSJ Large Ensemble 1
 Credit Hours18
MSJ 3 Jazz Forum 1
MSJ Principal Instrument Lesson & Studio Class 2
MSJ 104 Jazz Piano II 1
MSJ 141
MSJ 108
Experiential Musicianship II
and Skills Lab II
MCY 141 3
MSJ 320 Basic Drumset Styles and Techniques (Part 2) 1
WRS 106 First-Year Writing II 3
MSJ Jazz Workshop Ensemble 1
MSJ Large Ensemble 1
 Credit Hours16
Year Two
MSJ 3 Jazz Forum 1
MSJ Principal Instrument Lesson & Studio Class 2
MSJ 113 Jazz History I (AWC) 3
MSJ 203 Jazz Piano III 1
MSJ 240
MSJ 207
Experiential Musicianship III
and Skills Lab III
MSJ 565 Advanced Improvisation I 3
MSJ Jazz Workshop Ensemble 1
MSJ Large Ensemble 1
 Credit Hours15
MSJ 3 Jazz Forum 1
MSJ Principal Instrument Lesson & Studio Class 2
MSJ 204 Jazz Piano IV 1
MSJ 213 Jazz History II (AWC) 3
MSJ 241
MSJ 208
Experiential Musicianship IV
and Skills Lab IV
MSJ 566 Advanced Improvisation II 3
MSJ Jazz Workshop Ensemble 1
MSJ Large Ensemble 1
 Credit Hours15
Year Three
MSJ 3 Jazz Forum 1
MSJ Principal Instrument & Studio Class 2
MSJ 342 Technology Skills 3
MSJ 519 Introduction to Composition and Arranging 3
MTH 101 Algebra for College Students 3
MSJ Jazz Rehearsal Techniques 2
MSJ Small Ensemble 1
MSJ Large Ensemble 1
 Credit Hours15
MSJ 3 Jazz Forum 1
MSJ Principal Instrument Lesson & Studio Class 2
MSJ 124 Introduction to Jazz Improvisation 3
MSJ 520 Advanced Modern Arranging II 3
STEM Cognate 3
People & Society Cognate 3
MSJ Small Ensemble 1
MSJ Large Ensemble 1
 Credit Hours16
Year Four
MSJ 3 Jazz Forum 1
MSJ Principal Instrument & Studio Class 2
MSJ 509 Jazz Composition I 3
MSJ Small Ensemble 1
MSJ Large Ensemble 1
People & Society Cognate 3
STEM Cognate 3
 Credit Hours13
MSJ 3 Jazz Forum 1
MSJ Principal Instrument Lesson & Studio Class 2
MMI 310 3
Senior Recital (with Lesson)  
MSJ Small Ensemble 1
MSJ Large Ensemble 1
People & Society Cognate 3
STEM Cognate 3
 Credit Hours13
 Total Credit Hours121


The mission of the Studio Music and Jazz Performance Program is to:

  • Prepare jazz instrumentalists to enter the music profession or graduate school.
  • Identify, recruit, and retain high quality students who seek to pursue studio/jazz performance as a career.
  • Foster faculty creativity and performance which serves as a role model for students.
  • Develop, and revise courses in jazz improvisation, jazz arranging/composition and provide on and off campus performance opportunities.
  • Produce in our on campus facility, recordings for the Down Beat Student Music Awards, compact disks, radio and Internet broadcast.
  • Provide a platform of learning that includes performance, composition/arranging, technology, conducting, scholarship and production.


  • Students will develop musical performance skills necessary to make them competitive in the jazz world.
  • Students will develop performance skills in a variety of large and small ensembles that allow a student to participate in the professional jazz world.
  • Students will develop the skills necessary to play in a chamber setting emphasizing spontaneous interaction and improvisation.
  • Students will develop the skills necessary to play in large jazz ensembles emphasizing the development of ensemble skills necessary in a reading situation.
  • Students will perform a senior recital of sixty-minute duration that demonstrates their capabilities in the jazz idiom.
  • Students will develop the skills necessary to arrange and compose in a variety of styles appropriate to the jazz and contemporary music field.

Student Learning Outcomes

  • Students will develop proficiency in instrumental performance skills necessary to be competitive in the jazz and contemporary music professions.
  • Students will develop proficiency in ensemble performance skills necessary for participation and functionality in the jazz and contemporary music professions.
  • Students will develop proficiency in improvisation, composition, arranging, and interaction skills necessary for successful performance within the jazz idiom and a variety of styles appropriate to the jazz and contemporary music profession.
  • Students will develop the technological proficiency necessary for a career in the jazz and contemporary music profession.