
The minor in Urban Studies provides undergraduate students with a flexible concentration in interdisciplinary studies of cities, urbanism, and urbanity. Urban Studies is a long established academic field, especially prominent in major cities in the United States. Course work combines a practical focus on Metropolitan Miami with more general attention to urban theory and globalization. 

The minor has a liberal arts orientation and includes perspectives from the social sciences, architecture, and history. It is a useful complement to majors such as Geography and Sustainable Development, History, Sociology, Anthropology, Literature, International Studies, Economics, Political Science, and others.  A summer study abroad option in South Africa and Namibia is offered regularly in summer. In addition, it is possible to for a student to study in the spring semester in Cape Town, South Africa (UCape Town Program). The minor is also of particular interest to students in Architecture Communication and Business. Courses in the Minor are taught in the College of Arts & Sciences and the School of Architecture. Note that there are slightly different requirements for ARC students.

Curriculum Requirements

Required Courses
URB 201Metropolitan Miami3
URB 301Cities in Time and Space3
Elective Courses
Select three of the following: 19
Special Problems
Geographic Information Systems I
Remote Sensing of the Environment
Climate Change, Sea Level Rise and Society
China in the 21st Century
Topics in Geography
Geographic Information Systems II
Crime Mapping and Analysis
Sustainable Cities
Seminar in Urban Management
Dynamics of Poverty in the United States
Violence in America
U.S. Immigration (Land Use Planning)
Land Use Planning
Urban Analytics and Geovisualization
Total Credit Hours15

ARC students may select no more than one ARC course while NonARC students must select at least one ARC course. Note that URB 201 or URB 301 will suffice as prerequisites for any of these courses.


Other courses may be approved upon request; please consult the program Director, Dr. Richard Grant: rgrant@miami.edu


minimum grade of C- with a 2.0 overall GPA are required.