
The minor in Computer Science requires 8 credits of core Computer Science courses, one 3 credit Computer Science elective at the 300 level, and 6 credits of elective Computer Science course at the 200 level or above or approved courses from other departments.

Curriculum Requirements

Core Courses
CSC 120Computer Programming I4
CSC 220Computer Programming II4
CSC 3XX - Any 300-level Computer Science course3
Select 6 approved credit hours of the following:6
Any CSC 2XX, CSC 3XX, CSC 4XX, CSC 5XX 1, 2
Python Programming for Everyone 3
At most one of the following may be used as an elective towards the minor from the list below separated by "or" (this constraint holds, whether choosing a course to serve as an approved substitute for CSC115 or choosing another elective from the list) 4
Cybersecurity: An Introduction to Security in Cyberspace
Computers and Society
Introduction to Business Technology and Programming
Python Programming: Fundamentals and Algorithms
Introduction to Programming
Geographic Information Systems I
Web Design
Foundations of Computational Marine Science
Bioinformatics Tools
Systems Analysis and Design
Web Application Development
Mobile Apps Development
Mobile to Cloud: Developing Distributed Applications
Building Virtual Worlds
Augmented Reality
Dynamic Data
Internet Computing I
Computer Organization and Design
Senior Project I
Senior Project II
Computer Architecture
Machine Learning
Neural Networks
ECE 570
Object-Oriented and Distributed Database Management Systems
Agent Technology
Internet and Intranet Security
Data Mining
Mobile Computing
Special Topics in Computer Engineering
Geographic Information Systems II
MMI 504
MMI 505
Scientific Computing in Marine and Atmospheric Sciences
Introduction to Numerical Analysis
Theory of Numbers
Numerical Linear Algebra
Numerical Methods in Differential Equations
Introduction to Probability
Introduction to Mathematical Statistics
Statistical Analysis
Total Credit Hours17

CSC 40X - Computer Science Practicum courses must be taken at the same time as the host course.


Maximum of 6 credits of CSC 481 - Computer Science Teaching Assistant.


CSC115 can be used as an elective towards the minor only if taken before CSC120.


BTE 120, BTE 320, ECE 118, or MSC203 may be taken from this list as an elective towards the minor only as an approved substitute for CSC115 before CSC120.