GRD 601. Graduate Student Training: Graduate Teaching Assistant Orientation. 0 Credit Hours.
Graduate Teaching Assistant orientation offered by the Graduate School and the
Instructional Advancement Center focuses on University policies, procedures, and
resources with which graduate students need to be familiar. This course is required for all first time doctoral students, and all graduate students who will have Teaching Assistant responsibilities.
Components: DIL.
Grading: NON.
Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, & Summer.
GRD 602. Responsible Conduct of Research Training. 0 Credit Hours.
Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) is a critical component of research training, and is therefore an essential part of training for all graduate students conducting research. This course introduces students to basic principles of RCR and covers a series of topics including the mentor/mentee relationship, data acquisition and management, publications and authorship, ethics, and scientific misconduct, among others. The course consists of online content as well as in-person workshops and seminars.
Components: DIL.
Grading: NON.
Typically Offered: Fall & Spring.
GRD 607. Conceptos Fundamentales de la Salud Publica. 0 Credit Hours.
Las disciplinas académicas requieren de una base conceptual que guíe su desarrollo. En este curso se discuten los conceptos fundamentales de la salud pública. Como punto de partida, se analizan las diferencias y puntos de integración entre la biomedicina, la medicina clínica y la salud pública. Se identifica a la salud pública como un campo interdisciplinario que estudia los fenómenos de salud/enfermedad en poblaciones –sus determinantes, naturaleza y distribución– y la manera en que las sociedades se organizan para responder a ellos. También se examina el concepto de salud global. El curso incluye discusiones sobre la medición de las necesidades de salud, la transición epidemiológica y las formas en que los sistemas de salud han evolucionado, tanto a nivel nacional como a nivel global.
English Version-
Academic disciplines require a conceptual basis to guide their development. This course discusses the fundamental concepts of public health. As a starting point, we analyze the differences and points of integration between biomedicine, clinical medicine and public health. Public health is identified as an interdisciplinary field that studies health / disease phenomena in populations - their determinants, nature and distribution - and how societies organize to respond to them. The concept of global health is also examined. The course includes discussions on the measurement of health needs, the epidemiological transition, and the ways in which health systems have evolved, both nationally and globally.
Components: DIL.
Grading: NON.
Typically Offered: Fall.
GRD 608. Analisis Comparativo de las Politicas Publicas de Salud: Conceptos, Metodos y Casos. 0 Credit Hours.
En este curso se revisan los conceptos fundamentales de las políticas públicas de salud, las tipologías de los sistemas de salud diseñadas por distintos expertos en el campo (Roemer, Terris, Abel-Smith, Donabedian, Frenk, Londoño) y los principios del análisis comparativo de estos sistemas. Se describen, además, los principales modelos de sistemas de salud existentes (OCDE, monopolio público, segmentado), y se discute lo que los países pueden aprender los unos de los otros sobre todo en materia de regulación, organización y financiamiento de sus sistemas de salud.
English Translation-
This course reviews the fundamental concepts of public health policies, the typologies of health systems designed by different experts in the field (Roemer, Terris, Abel-Smith, Donabedian, Frenk, Londoño) and the principles of comparative analysis of these systems. It also describes the main models of existing health systems (OECD, public monopoly, segmented), and discusses what countries can learn from each other especially in terms of regulation, organization and financing of their systems of health.
Components: DIL.
Grading: NON.
Typically Offered: Fall.